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Storybooks with Spain

Families often love to travel to Spain – it’s a great place to visit with kids. Here are Storybook List’s recommendations of books about Spain to get kids excited about traveling there or even just to learn more about the country.

All About Spain. The Great Book of Spain: Interesting Stories, Spanish History & Random Facts About Spain provides an overall look at the country including it’s history, landmarks, sports, and geography.

Spanish Artists. Two books that feature two renowned Spanish artists feature Dali and Gaudi. Just Being Dali is a picture book features intriguing illustrations that reflect the creativity and childhood of Dali. A Dragon on the Roof is a fictional story set in Casa Batlo, one of Gaudi’s buildings that was inspired by marine life and a dragon.

Bullfighting. The classic The Story of Ferdinand features the peaceful loving bull and Maria the Matador who will do anything to get churros, including entering a bullfight.

Spanish Traditions. The Lucky Grapes: A New Year’s Eve Story tells the story of Rafa’s excitement to eat twelve grapes with each of the midnight chimes on New Year’s Eve. Food Fight Fiesta: A Tale About La Tomatina is a fictional story about the tradition of the tomato festival in Spain and is great for preschool or early elementary readers.

The complete list of books is below. If you have others that you and your family enjoy, please let me know!

  1. Food Fight Fiesta: A Tale About La Tomatina

2. Just Being Dalí: The Story of Artist Salvador Dalí

3. A Dragon on the Roof: A Children’s Book Inspired by Antoni Gaudí

4. Maria the Matador

5. The Great Book of Spain: Interesting Stories, Spanish History & Random Facts About Spain (History & Fun Facts)

6. The Story of Ferdinand

7. The Lucky Grapes: A New Year’s Eve Story

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